Not on track
to reach the 2030 Agenda
Covid and war
Set-back on all SDGs
Decrease in trust
and shrinking civic space
Sustainability crisis
Since 2020, the world is no longer making progress on the SDGs.
Halfway to 2030, policy efforts and commitments supporting the SDGs are lacking behind.
Covid and war has set us back to the starting point.
Democratic crisis
Close to 50 pct of people worldwide do not trust their government. This disconnect leads to a legitimacy crisis, which slows down
SDG-action. Implementation of the 2030 Agenda is too often a government exercise alone, and legislators, civil society and private sector are de-coupled from the efforts of reaching the 2030 Agenda. Simultaneously, there is a growing pressure on key freedoms, such as freedom of assembly, association and expression.
Civic space is shrinking.
Our Unique SDG 17 Approach