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SDG Festivals

We facilitate the convening of a national forum for civic engagement in SDG implementation; A public festival with debates, workshops, cultural events and exposition of solutions for the 2030 Agenda.

The public festival model

Building on our experience with creating the SDG platform at Scandinavia’s largest democratic people’s festival ‘Folkemødet’ at Bornholm, Denmark, we facilitate the convening and co-creation of ‘SDG Festivals’. As a platform for civic engagement with local pioneers from all levels of society - state, civil society and the private sector.

The main features of the public festival model are:


Debates organised by cross-sector partnerships involving festival participants


 Interactive art

collecting ideas

for sustainable action


Workshops and exposition of sustainable and innovative

solutions to local and

global challenges


Cultural and sports events

bringing together VIPs and

festival participants in informal

ways to foster dialogue

and unify across divides

Watch the videos from the Danish People's Meeting SDG Platform

2022 People's Dialogue Platform in Kenya

2030 People's Festivals

2022 People's Meeting at Bornholm, Denmark

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