Interviews with Parliamentarians
Every day, our members work to accelerate SDG action in their parliaments around the world. Here, we have collected testimonies and good practices from them. Read along and get inspired to accelerate your own work!
Hon Ms Isnaraissah Munirah Bt Majilis, Malaysia
Role of the APPG within the Parliamentary Structure
The APPGM's firm establishment within the parliamentary structure is highlighted by its focus on MPs' participation in parliamentary discussions, pushing for policy changes and funding distribution to tackle challenges at local and national levels from the perspective of the SDGs. By bringing SDG concerns to the forefront of parliamentary discussions, these MPs ensure that sustainable development remains central to Malaysia's legislative and policy agenda.
Terms of Reference
Case Study
We have collected terms of reference from different SDG All-party Parliamentary Group/Caucus to get inspired by.
Danmark: the Danish Parliament's All Party Coalition for the Sustainable Development Goals - The 2030-Network.
The European Union: SDG Alliance - MEP for Agenda 2030.